Oral History Project: The Interview
I interviewed Dawn Callaway and her husband Scott Repass. They are the owners of a couple local cafes and bars in Houston. They had many interesting stories from how they got a Kool-Aid man to why they opened their first bar, Poison Girl. These stories were interesitng because they were evidence that proved how each one of their buisnesses has a little part of them. They chose the decor to something they really like or because it reminded them of a fond memory at some place. They chose to open their buisnesses to have them merge and become one with the community they are in. I thought that the interview itself went well because even though we didn't use the full time we planned, we got many interesting stories and facts that none of us, or at least I, didnt know before. We had one small hiccup, but I feel that if we did a better inspection of the equipment maybe it would not have happend. Luckily, it did not stop us or have any large or any affect on the interview. Since ...