
Showing posts from January, 2016

Much Ado About Nothing-Follow the Action

For the next few weeks the blog posts will be based on Shakespeare's play, " Much Ado About Nothing." Unfortunately we are reading the Pelican Shakespeare published by Penguin Books instead of watching a movie version: There's two to choose from!: The prompt for this blogpost is: Choose a challenging passage from Act I, and  follow the action . Explain your process of following the action and then write the passage in your own words using contemporary English. The beginning of Much Ado About Nothing is the most challenging to follow the action because many of the characters are on stage and speaking. At times it becomes difficult to tell who is talking and to whom they talking too. My plan to follow the action was to pay more attention to the script and what is going on. Lines 87-111 Leonato: My niece, you will not go mad from catching Benedick. Beatrice: No, not if January were to become hot. Messenger: Don Pedro has arrived. (Don Pedro, Claudio, a...