1984 by George Orwell is a captivating dystopia that creates a future world that seems far fetched and insane, but ultimately possible. In 1984 there is a government that is oppressive and rules with an iron fist. Unlike previous oppressive governments this one has complete control over almost everything. They can observe you at every moment, see your thoughts, change the past, alter your mind, basically complete control over the population. Could a government like this ever be taken down? I don't think so, unless there are some other supernatural or possibly natural things that happen. It is unclear who the government is or who rules it, so if a rebellion where to happen it would just be against the idea of the government for there is no known real living figure. Should someone create some super plan to take down this government the thought police would be able to find that thought and take down the person with it. A government like this could never be taken down, so the only way to stop a government like this is to never let one come into power in the first place.


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