Slaves and Families

Why do you think slave families were separated? How did this benefit the masters and how did it affect the slaves?

The masters of slaves separated the families of the slaves they owned because it helped create an image in their head that they were less then them and had full control over them. The separation of family allowed the masters to sell the slaves without the slaves having strong attachments to family. This greatly benefited the master because he would face no resistance from the slave or the slave's family since they basically never knew each other.

This affected the slaves greatly. Without a mother and, sometimes, a master as their father they would face the world without a family to back them up. They would only be left with the fellow slaves and would never be able to have the bond of a family. If their father was there master, a slave would face further troubles through the masters wife and their father lashing them. This could lead to further physiological problems down the road.


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