Character Sketch-God

God is portrayed to appear in Marjane's dreams. God has the shape of a man and mostly consists of white solid color, with minimal details that make out his outline, beard, and face. He comes to Marjane to speak to her when she wants to be a prophet and helps her in times of need. God appears and has a discussion with Marjane every night, until she cuts God out of her life. Gods looks are compared to Marx, with Marx's beard a bit more wavy than God. God is vital to the story, for God is part of Marjane's early dreams and later helps her out again when she is lost. God acted as a messenger between her and her family. Marjane believes that when her mom prayed for her to God, God would make it happen. God is important to the overall story because while Marjane talked with God and God helped her, the entire revolution that changed her life was for a god. 


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