Why do you think Marjane chose to leave Iran again to go and live in France? Would you have made the same decision? Why or why not?
When Marjane left Iran, the first time, she left thinking that this was just a temporary move (pg. 152). She was not prepared to leave her home and family when she did and when she hit rock bottom, the sentimentality and homesickness came back and she went home to Iran (pg. 145). When she came back to Iran it was a transition to a familiar yet a new strange way of life. It wasn't the exact same Iran she had left, but one with enough familiarity. With her family, and memories, Marjane felt at home. As time went by the restrictions that did not affect Marjane as a child came into affect. For example when she and Reza were trying to be together in the first part of their relationship (pg. 290), she realized how restrictive the law and the strong religious presence in Iran was. She learned that in order to be free she had to leave Iran with the intent of leaving permanently, to create a home of her own, only coming back to visit not to stay. The price for this, as Marjane said, was that she would lose the time with her family and she only saw her grandmother once after her departure (pg. 341). Marjane needed to leave her family not like the first time where her parents forced her out for her protection, but where she leaves on her own terms and with her own will, like she did the second time.
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