The 3 Classes

In 1984, Julia and Winston receive "the book" from The Brotherhood. Chapter 1, "Ignorance is Strength," analyzes this party slogan. A part I found very interesting was when it talked about how there will always be three classes in society, or what we call the high, middle, and low. In the book it says that the classes are in a constant never ending routine because the classes below the high want to be in the class above the one they are in. The middle will convince the low to displace the high by promising them a chance to become the new middle class, but when they are successful the middle leave the low as the low class and the middle kind of separates again into both the high and middle until the rebellion against the high class starts again.

This can be seen in the world today because people all want to be in a higher class. In the USA, many people believe that with hard work and some just believe that one day they will be in a higher class then they are in now. The middle are constantly trying to become the high and the low trying to become the middle and because of this thought that they will one day be in the high class these people who make up an enormous majority of the population try to protect and save the loopholes and laws that solely benefit the single digit percentage at the very top. Hope and vision is a good thing and are two things that can drive a person through life, but when do we have to think that the dream to be richer, wealthier, better then everyone else is a dream and only obtainable as a reality for a few?


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